1. Existence of flips for generalized lc pairs (joint with Christopher D. Hacon), Camb. J. Math. 11 (2023), no. 4, 795-828. arXiv:2105.13590.
2. ACC for minimal log discrepancies of exceptional singularities (joint with Jingjun Han and V. V. Shokurov), arXiv:1903.04338.
3. On termination of flips and exceptionally non-canonical singularities (joint with Jingjun Han), arXiv:2209.13122. To appear in Geom. Topol.
4. On explicit bounds of Fano threefolds (joint with Caucher Birkar), arXiv:2311.06732.
5. Semi-ampleness of NQC generalized log canonical pairs (joint with Lingyao Xie), arXiv:2210.01731. Adv. Math. 427 (2023), 109126.