数学所周五学术报告——Some aspects of quantum dynamics
主 题: 数学所周五学术报告——Some aspects of quantum dynamics
报告人: 吴飙 长江特聘教授 (304am永利集团量子材料科学中心)
时 间: 2017-09-15 15:00-16:00
地 点: 理科1号楼1114
Abstract: In this talk I shall present some of my recent works on quantum dynamics. Recent years have seen rapidly rising interests in quantum dynamics, which has been largely ignored by physicists in the past. I’ll first talk about how to define ergodicity and mixing in quantum dynamics, and a possibility to establish quantum ergodic hierarchy on top of a quantum H-theorem. In the process, I’ll introduce a technique
closely related to wavelet analysis. In the end, I’ll introduce Lorentz quantum dynamics, which occurs in complex Minkowski space.