CAM Seminar——Challenges of solving nonlinear DC circuits in circuit simulation
报告人:Zhou Jin(China University of Petroleum,Beijing)
时间:2021-10-29 10:30-11:30
地点:Room 1560, Sciences Building No. 1
Abstract: Circuit simulation is becoming an essential technique for circuit designers to verify and check their designs of electrical and electronic circuits and systems before their deployment and fabrication, which has been one of the most important EDA tools. The analysis of nonlinear circuits always needs to solve a system of nonlinear algebraic equations or differential equations. This talk will show several promising methods of solving nonlinear DC circuits from both theoretical viewpoint and practical viewpoint. Several methods are implemented on our SPICE simulator - WSPICE, and they have been applied to the practical large-scale analog circuits to verify the effectiveness in commercial circuit simulation software. In addition, challenges of solving nonlinear DC circuit equations will also be addressed. And several mathematical problems and challenges still to be solved in transistor-level circuit simulation will also be introduced briefly.
Bio: 金洲,中国石油大学(北京),讲师,硕士生导师。中国计算机学会集成电路设计专委会委员。2010 年于南京大学计算机科学与技术系获学士学位,2012年和2015年分别于日本早稻田大学获硕士、博士学位,早稻田大学研究中心博士后,GCOE研究员。研究方向为集成电路设计自动化(EDA)和高性能计算,尤其关注晶体管级超大规模电路仿真、非线性电路与系统验证、高性能计算等。已在DAC、IPDPS、GLVLSI等重要国际会议和期刊上发表学术论文20余篇,多个研究成果已应用于国产EDA龙头企业华大九天的ALPS、ALPS-GT等商业仿真软件中,并显著加速紫光展锐、英伟达等工业界实际电路的验证。担任ICPP、CLUSTER等重要国际会议的程序委员会委员。获得日本电气学会九州支部长奖、日本帝人久村财团帝人奖学金、早稻田大学优秀青年博士奖学金、早稻田大学IPS特别奖学金等。