The Dirichlet Problem for Mixed Hessian Equations on Hermitian Manifolds
报告人:Qiang Tu(Hubei University)
时间: 2022-04-13 09:00-10:00
In this talk we consider the Dirichlet problem for a class of Hessian type equation with its structure as a combination of elementary symmetric functions on Hermitian manifolds. This kind of equations includes some of the most partial differential equations in complex geometry and analysis. Under some conditions with the initial data on manifolds and admissible subsolutions, we derive a priori estimates for this complex mixed Hessian equation and solvability of the corresponding Dirichlet problem.
Qiang Tu is currently a lecturer at Hubei University. He obtained his Ph.D. at Wuhan University in 2017 under the supervision of Wenyi Chen. His research focuses on fully nonlinear partial differential equations and geometric analysis.
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