Applied Mathematics Seminar——Proof of Proof offers Universal Verifiable Computing by Correct-by-Construction ZKP Generation for All Programming Languages
报告人:Xiaohong Chen (Pi Squared Inc.)
时间:2024-10-16 10:00-12:00
Proof of Proof is a new technology for universal, trust-base-minimal, and fully interoperable verifiable computing, where programming languages and VMs are brought into an integrated computing space with full interoperability; where the trustbase of verification certificates is reduced to a minimum; where the need for traditional yet buggy language implementations (compilers, transpilers, interpreters, ...) are eliminated; and where maintaining language changes/updates is as easy as plug-and-play.
Xiaohong Chen is the Chief Technology Officer, a formal methods engineer, and a zero-knowledge (ZK) researcher at Pi Squared Inc. His interests include formal program specification and verification, program logic, and efficient and scalable ZK solutions, as well as applying these techniques to achieve verifiable computing for all programs in all programming languages. Xiaohong obtained his BSc at Peking University and PhD at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.