School Colloquium——Representation and Tensor Category of Affine Lie Algebras at Positive Rational Levels
报告人:杨进伟 (上海交通大学)
时间:2024-12-20 15:30-16:30
报告摘要:In a series of celebrated work, Kazhdan and Lusztig constructed braided tensor category on representation category of affine Lie algebras when the level plus dual Coxeter number is not a positive rational number, and proved this category is braided equivalent to the category of quantum groups at the corresponding parameter. In this talk, we discuss our recent progress on tensor categories of affine Lie algebras when the level plus dual Coxeter number is a positive rational number using tensor category theory of vertex operator algebras developed by Huang-Lepowsky-Zhang. This talk is based on a series of joint work with Creutzig, Huang and McRae.
个人简介:杨进伟,上海交通大学副教授,本科和硕士毕业于304am永利集团,师从张继平院士,2014年在罗格斯大学取得博士学位,导师为黄一知教授。他的主要研究领域为李理论,表示论和张量范畴理论,尤其是用顶点算子代数的张量范畴理论来研究李代数、量子群、顶点算子代数等等代数对象的表示和张量范畴结构及其对应关系。主要研究成果发表在Math. Ann., Adv. Math., Comm. Math. Phys., IMRN等期刊上。