USTC Mathematical Physics (Integrable systems) Seminar—— Quasi-modular and quasi-Jacobi forms of genus two, and topological recursion
Speaker: Jie Zhou, Tsinghua University
Time: 14:30-16:00, May 28, 2020
Abstract: I will start by reviewing how natural constructions on the moduli space of genus one stable curves give rise to differential rings of quasi-modular forms and quasi-Jacobi forms. Then I will explain the construction of a theory of quasi-modular forms and quasi-Jacobi forms at genus two developed in a joint work with Yongbin Ruan and Yingchun Zhang. Finally I will discuss the application in topological recursion and in the open/closed Gromov-Witten theory of a special class of toric Calabi-Yau threefolds whose mirror curves are of genus one or two.
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