Abstract: These lectures aim at describing the development of time and norm optimal control theory for linear systems, from the the classical results of Bellman (1956), in the finite dimensional case, to very recent advances on systems described by dispersive or parabolic PDEs. We first describe Bellman’s version of the maximum principle and explain how it can be adapted for systems which are exactly controllable in arbitrarily small time. We than discuss systems described by parabolic PDEs, for which no maximum principle is known. Moreover, we describe the connections of the considered problems with the study of reachable spaces and of appropriate multiplier spaces.
2024-11-26 16:00-18:00 (Beijing Time)
Zoom 会议号: 97103035269
2024-11-26 18:30-20:30 (Beijing Time)
Zoom 会议号: 95166347079